Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Loving Father

This picture has had a huge impact on my life. It is one of Rembrandt's spirituals titled, the Return of the Prodigal Son.
I was first introduced to it through a book by Henri Nouwen with the same title. I find myself in this picture. Let me explain.
This story found in Luke 15 has three main characters. The father, the elder son and the younger son. I find myself in each of these characters.
I relate to the younger son who basically says the father does not have my best interest at heart and I will go do my own thing. Been there do that.
I can also be the self righteous elder brother who thinks I'm doing things pretty well and even better than most. He really did not believe the father was really watching his back either.
Neither boy really believed that the father was good. Neither believed that the father could be trusted, that he would be faithful to them as his children.
This painting and the book forced me to put my focus somewhere else. This story really is about the loving father. A father who longs to be in relationship with all his children even me. This father sits up late at night waiting for me to come home. His heart aches when I wonder off trying to do life on my own. His love is based only on the fact that I am his. The more I understand this the more I want to be like the Father.
There is so much more to this picture. The prodigals shaved head and bare feet are significant. In his culture he was unacceptable, he had messed up big time but the Father does not even seem to notice. He is just elated that his son has come home. I see a father of compassion, love and grace.
I so much want to be that kind of father. I want to love my wife and kids unconditionally. I want to be in relationships where I extend compassion and grace. 
I want to be like the Father. I think he would be just fine with that.



Andi Hawkins said...

I am glad you found the picture. Interesting. It reminds me of this handout you gave us at Quail where a bunch of kids are climbing a tree at different stages. Some are hanging around the roots, kicking grass. Some are clawing their way up the trunk. Some are lazing in the highest branches. Way back then I saw myself on my way up...for sure. Now who knows? Its a much taller tree than I ever knew...

Andi Hawkins said...

Would you hyperlink your reading list? I havn't heard of any of those.

Did you...nauseous groan...give any more thought to the shack? If you want to read it at all I would do it quick before it becomes a bumper sticker or rubber bracelet. I KNOW you won't read it then!!

meaderman said...

Wow! That makes me feel good that you remember that picture of the kids playing on the tree. I was never sure if any one was listening or engaged. I thought that exercise was pretty cool. You were on the way up and still are and yes the tree is pretty big. Maybe a bean stalk to heaven. Oh wait that is another story.
You would have to show me how to hyperlink the reading list. Sounds cool and like a good idea. Maybe something from star wars. I actually know what it is just not how to make it happen.