Friday, May 30, 2008

Double Vision

Feeling a little philosophical today. That gets me in trouble sometimes. I keep thinking about a scene in the movie The Matrix. Neo the main character in the movie seems to know that something is not right in his world. Intuitively he realizes things are not what they seem. I often find myself in that same place. There are times I sense that much of what I focus on really has little significance. That much of what our culture focuses on really does not matter. It stirs something in my spirit and makes me very restless.
There is a great scene in the movie when Morpheous, the leader of a rebel group first meets Neo. He offers him a choice of two pills, one blue one red. One will open his eyes to see the world as it really is. One will let him go back to living his normal life, ignorant to realities of his world. Neo chooses the pill that will open his eyes to see things as they really are. Once he does that the adventure begins.
I'm afraid things are not as they seem. I know this and I get restless. Maybe its time for an adventure that I keep putting on hold.



Andi Hawkins said...

An adventure... ? I cannot wait to read about it.

BTW Thanks for these little teaser posts that have Jen and I trying to decode what meaderman is perculating in that very active brain of his.

For what its worth, I say take Neo's pill...

Jamie Mullins said...

I absolutely LOVE that movie. I think it came out right around the time that I started college and was beginning to realize that my bubble of a world was crumbling around me. I think that the Lord would have us take Neo's pill so that we can live in this fallen world with the knowledge that something greater awaits us!

PedeloGal said...

testing 1,2,3