I went to my men's group this morning which I do each Thursday. Great group of men and always one of the highlights of my week. The text and conversation really challenged me. I continue to wrestle with it a bit.
The text was Matt. 6:25-34. This text encourages me not to worry about my life. Little things like what I will have to eat and the clothes I wear. Jesus uses the birds as an example. I love birds, but that is a different post. God takes care of the birds so I can trust that God will provide for me. I agree with this and have experienced it to be true in my life. So it seems pretty simple and I just need to not worry about stuff. Ready to move on to the next verses.
But wait! What about the people in our world who really don't have food, shelter or clothes to wear. I'm thinking about this but decide to let it go. One of the guys does not. He ask the question. "So what about all the people who don't have their basic needs taken care of"?
So the challenge for me is this. Is it true or not? Will God really take care of people the same way that he takes care of the birds?
Here is my resolution on this for right now. Understanding I always have the right to change my mind. Have I mentioned that I am a walking contradiction. Wait, that is another post.
We live in a fallen world. Bad things happen to good people every day. God has called his Church which includes me to care for those who don't have food, shelter and clothing. So why does the church and myself so often do such a poor job of caring for the basic needs of the world around us?
Through this process, that was the bigger and more difficult question for me. Then the text comes full circle. I don't live with open hands to the world around me because I worry. I want to have all the stuff I need like food, clothing, shelter, cars, TVs, cool running shoes, vanilla breve lattes, books(have I mentioned I like books), just lot's of stuff. Stuff that I really don't need. The truth is it is stuff I want. God is ready and willing to give me what I need.
So all that to say, I learned something today about God and myself. God will take care of my needs, and if I trust him I can then be more sensitive to the needs of others around me. I can be an extension of God's love and grace to the world that desperately needs to know him. What if the church (universal) started to take care of the poor and needy? Didn't put it on our governments or other organizations, but took seriously the call to take care of the needy.
I believe God wants us to do that. He wants me to do that. I hear him saying to me today. He is saying, don't worry about your stuff, don't live with your hands closed. Live with your hands open, trusting that I will take care of all your needs. He and I feed the birds and he wants you and I to feed and care for those in need. Living with no worries, just like the birds. But then I wonder. Do the birds worry about cat's. Oh wait, that would be another post.