Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Batman God and Underdog

Is Batman a super hero? Most would respond pretty quickly, either yes or no. I guess we would make our decision based on our personal definition of super hero. Take away his utility belt and he is just another rich guy concerned about mean people and injustice, not necessarily a super hero. It is funny how we make decisions about people based on information from key sources in our life and life experiences. 
What about God. Who is he and what is he really like? Scripture says that you and I were created in the image of God both male and female. Now this obviously has nothing to do with our anatomy. Because there is a difference. Won't get into that today, maybe another time. It is safe to say that there are qualities and characteristics about you and I that mirror the image of God. That is actually pretty cool. We are each beautiful based on that reason alone.
Back to Batman. I don't really care if you think he is a super hero or not. We can debate that, argue that and at the end of the day, doesn't really matter. What does matter is what you and I think about who God really is. I believe we were created in the image of God and have turned around and tried to create God in our image. It is funny how we get things all backwards, from time to time.
I guess I get why we do this and maybe it is not always a bad thing. But creating God in our image doesn't work very well. We put limits on him, make him something he is not and really make the whole God thing confusing. We confine him to our limited understanding and experiences, or put all our stock in what someone else says that he is. God said, "My ways are not your ways." He was pretty clear with Job, that Job was going to have a difficult time fully grasping the ways of God.
For some reason I'm pretty comfortable with this. In fact I don't want to fully understand God. I really like God's response to Moses. He told Moses to tell the people that "I Am" sent you. It reminds me that God is God that is enough.
Batman is much easier to debate. The whole utility belt bugs me. You take that away and he is not that impressive. Now Underdog on the other hand, "a true super hero" but that's another blog.



Andi Hawkins said...

So... who is God?

BTW I gave you some mad props on my site a few days ago so I am thoroughly glad that you are posting again.

The Incredible Hulk is the best superhero ever. He creeps me out, but when his clothes rip off and he turns green and then looks into the camera with those angry eyes I just LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was just thinking today about the "I Am" speaking to Moses. God is more than I can imagine; what is ironic is when my faith is low, I want to make him less because his mystery and majesty scare me a little, or maybe thinking of him in a box allows my lack of faith seem less urgent, it allows me be complacent. When my faith is high, I am comfortable with who he is; his majesty is all the greater comfort to me.

I am a walking paradox in more ways than one!

I look forward to reading a lot more of your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

funny, i tend to like the superheroes who are a bit self-made...

i'm glad to see that you're blogging! it is a lot of fun, and i continually learn more about myself -- sorting through issues, organizing my thoughts, taking time to reflect, and reading other great bloggers. unfortunately i can't make the trip this year. SO glad to hear that your daughter will join you!! i'm hoping that my husband and i can make next year's...

i just finished pullman's dark materials series - karla said that you two had some great talks about those?

Kyle said...

Hey I love your blogs. I'm still waiting for todays so I can read it too. I just made one today. Check it out..

Unknown said...

I think I'd rather have Batman, who defended Metropolis out of the stirring within him, than Superman who was forced into his position by his other-worldly weirdness. Attitude says a lot.