I ran to Costco Sunday afternoon to grab a few things. May have been the busiest I have ever seen Costco. I waited in line, seizing this moment as a gift from God to work on patience. I spotted Dave Lewis, one of my favorite guys in the world. He was two lanes over with his lovely wife Pam. I left my cart, weaved through a sea of people, reached over the counter and grabbed his arm. He looked up and I extended my hand and said hello. Dave would have none of that, he spread his arms leaned over the counter and gave me a big bear hug. It was great, right there in the middle of groceries, carts and people. We spoke briefly and I walked back to my cart.
I thought as I walked back, I want to be more like Dave. For him a handshake was not sufficient. When you see a friend you love you don't shake hands and it doesn't really matter where you are. You give each other a big hug. I decided I needed more hugs and I needed to give more hugs.
This morning Stuart sent me a video about hugs. For me just a confirmation to be a committed participant in the hug revolution. You have to watch this video. It is beautiful and a sweet reminder of how important it is to reach out. To look for opportunities to be Jesus with skin on. I am confidant Jesus is a good hugger. So, I am saying "more hugs please", and I am inviting you to join me.
Peace, todd http:/epicfeats.com/media/p/195.aspx