Sunday, January 25, 2009

Amazing Grace How Sweet the Smell?

I received a thoughtful and practical gift today. You really need to try this stuff. It is call No.2 poo spray. Here is how it works. You spray the poo spray on the water in the stool before you go number 2 and this stuff absorbs the smell. You finish your business and magically leave the room smelling fresher than when you entered it. Only a true friend would give you this kind of gift, (thanks Christina).
Naturally my thoughts turned to God as I pondered this amazing product. I thought about the prophet Isaiah who said "All our righteous acts are like filthy rags before God". I am guessing filthy rags would have an unpleasant smell coming from them. 
Paul says "We are the aroma of Christ". Now if I put the two thoughts together; on my own I stink, but with Christ I emit not a stench but a sweet aroma. I am reminded that Christ really does cover my sin and the stench that sin produces. He then presents me holy to a righteous God. That's much better than poo spray.
So today I am encouraging you to first bathe in God's amazing grace. It will make you smell better. Then go find some No. 2 poo spray, and it will make your bathroom smell better.

Peace, todd


Andi Hawkins said...

There is not enough poo spray in the free world to counteract the damage of the Daniel Fast.

Todd, you are the most spiritually creative (albeit disturbing) writer that I know.

Rachel said...

that post was amazing.

well done.