Most of us are familiar with the idea that "it is more blessed to give than receive." I certainly find it easier to give than receive. But this idea does not eliminate receiving. Sometime we take ideas from scripture and make them mean more or different than the original idea. Giving is a blessing but it is also OK to receive. As children of God we are also taught to be needy of the things of God. If we are needy and I am, we would also need to expect and receive blessings.
I believe it is God's heart to bless us. But here is where it gets a little confusing. I believe he blesses us with what we need and not so much what we want. Sometimes as a child of God I get confused with needs and wants. Mason would eat cereal for every meal if I allowed that. I would not be a blessing to him to give him permission to do that. It would not be unhealthy.
The other part that gets screwy for me is thinking blessings are earned. If I'm a good boy God will bless me. That some how I deserve the blessings. Then the blessings become about my worthiness and good behavior. I try to earn them and then loose the joy when it happens.
Here is what I'm trying to grasp today. It is God's nature to bless me. Not because I'm good but because he is good. God's blessings are not about me deserving anything, it is about his nature to bless his children. More about him less about me.
It would be such a blessing if I could get that!
Peace, todd